lunes, 20 de mayo de 2019



Play time: 30 minutes approximately.
I. Reinforce the learning of a topic.
II. Evaluate the understanding of a topic.
I.      Large sheets of paper or cartons
PLACE: A room that has tables where participants can sit around.

I. Prior to the course and using the same rules of the game of the lottery the instructor must prepare large sheets or cards (50 x 60 cm.) Where nine pictures are drawn, in these the different names, words or concepts of the theme are combined. is going to be treated. The words or concepts must be combined differently in each of the cartons.
2 Then, a series of cards with definitions or reflections, or questions that correspond to each of the words that are in each one of the cards of the lottery, should be elaborated. There must be a card for every word or concept that appears on the cards.
3 Subgroups are formed, and each subgroup is given a card, the subgroup that fills it first wins. Any object can make a tab.
4. The instructor or the person he designates is the one who "sings" (or reads) the letters. In the subgroup everyone must agree if they think they have the correct answer, for that the "sings" should give a little time for each team to decide whether or not the correct answer.
5 Once a subgroup has filled out its card the game is over, it is checked if the answers have been correct, rereading the cards.


The game consists in saying different letters until guessing the proposed word or phrase before the complete hangman is drawn, this will be our time limit.

The main objective is to guess the word or phrase before drawing the hangman completely.
The player will improve the area of ​​memory and language and, also, the area of ​​attention.

The duration of the game will depend on the number of players and if they have to guess words or phrases.
1 - 2 players can last 10-15 minutes.
3 or more players can last 20-30 minutes.
This game allows to strengthen the ability of speaking, reading and writing in English learning.


The memorama consists of a series of cards (they can also be cards) with pairs that contain different things, all are randomly turned into a pack of cards or deck and then turned upside down until they are all distributed on the surface. When all the cards are face down, each player has two attempts to gather the pairs distributed on the table if he fails then he will give way to the next player.
During the game, the cards that are uncovered at the beginning usually do not pair unless you are very lucky, but they give clues, since when remembering which images are in which place, the next time they appear you can remember in where it was and uncover that letter and thus form the pair, the more cards there are the more difficult it becomes.
This game favors the ability of reading, writing and pronunciation in English learning.

Potentiate the learning of a new language through fun didactic games.
age of 7 to 8 years

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2019


they help to start introducing complex stories to the little ones, to improve the pronunciation of the language and to develop the oral expression in English through the reading of short stories in this language.

flash cards
which help the little ones to associate the words in English with the objects they represent in a very visual way.


Through these songs we can potentiate the learning of English in children.
learn singing!

create new strategies to make learning a new language more enjoyable and fun
age of 7 to 8 years


Through this activity we will potentiate in children the capacity for abstraction and visual recognition of what they are seeing, where you must read in order to correctly answer the indication.
The boy and the girl must observe the slogan, and only with the opportunities that we will give the correct answer. As it is the first activity that allows us to recognize which is the animal of the farm and that the animal is not. There are three options, but only one is correct.
 If the child arrives at a pulsar, the response will not be heard, an error will be heard, and the child, the correct answer, will hear the applause.
It is also done with the following activity, but the question is different, the sound with the cow, the child with the ability to reason, recording the sound of the cow and pointing it out.

create new strategies to make learning a new language more enjoyable and fun
age of 7 to 8 years

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019


I Have Two Eyes

I have two eyes to see with,
I have two feet to run,
I have two hands to wave with,
But nose I have one.
I have two ears to hear with,
And a tongue to say "Good day".

One, Two, Tie my shoe
One, Two, Tie my shoe.
Three, Four, Shut the door.
Five, Six, Pick up sticks.
Seven, Eight, Lay them straight.
Nine, Ten, A big fat hen.
Let's get up and count again!

Five green frogs
Five green frogs sitting in the sun.
Five green frogs swimming in the pool.
Five green frogs cool in the pool.
Five green frogs having fun

strengthen the pronunciation and strengthen new knowledge.
age 7 to 8 years


My body
I have two little hands               
With ten little fingers.  
I have two little feet
With ten little toes.
I have two little eyes,
A mouth that smiles,
And I have two little ears
And a little, little nose. 


In this blog you will find educational tools, which allows a nice approach to the second English language, for early childhood.
The blog is aimed at children between the ages of 7 to 8 years old. the pedagogic intention is to strengthen the knowledge and learning of a new language in this case English.